Now I'm almost to the third trimester (Kiarda Nicole is due July 11!), and I've been busy making stuff for the nursery as well as stash-busting. My sister is pregnant as well, and due about 5 weeks before me. I made a few things for my soon-to-be-here niece, Eva.
Brace yourself, lots of pictures!
First, the nursery fabric I picked out for Kiarda.
I'm glad I bought extra, because it doesn't exist anymore. This was the Makower challenge fabric, and they told me that it has been discontinued. I can't find it ANYwhere now. I love it! The walls will be the light aqua color, with an accent wall of the medium blue.
Here is the wallhanging for Kiarda's nursery, which matches the one I made for my sister's baby in design. The paisley looks odd from a distance, and the colors didn't turn out quite right in the picture. The lighting in my sewing room isn't the best for picture-taking!
Backing fabric and binding - it's hard to tell but the design on the binding coordinates perfectly with the blue cupcake wrapper!
This is the one I made for my sister. The print fabric is what she's using in her nursery.
I have been trying to do some stash-busting. As I started pulling out coordinating fabrics, I ended with enough for two tops of similar colors. I didn't realize I had so much pink, turquoise, and lime green LOL.
A Snapshots by Atkinson Designs top. This will probably end up being a floor quilt/tummy time quilt for Kiarda. The dark pink border actually coordinates with one of the fabrics, but you can't tell from a distance, or really, the close-up I took, oops! It will also be used for the binding. I couldn't get the color to come out quite right - there is a pretty dark, royal purple and a chocolate brown with skinny black swirls on it. This entire quilt, backing included, is 100% stash!
Fabric close-up (see the flamingos?). The colors of the dots are pink, blue, brown, and green - so perfect for this top!
Backing for this top:
A Turning 20 top in progress (blocks), also by Atkinson Designs. I just finished piecing the top (sans border - need to get some black fabric) but took this picture once I got the blocks up on the design wall. The binding will be turquoise, which I have also already made.
Fabric close-up:
Backing fabric - LOVE these cute frogs!
Congratulations! The baby quilts are lovely.